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How to assemble Peltier elements
Author:P&N Technology  Time : 2023-06-07 Browse:105

How to assemble Peltier elements?

If you are using a peltier/ TEC with bare ceramic suface, then should assemble the peltier as following:

Clean both sides of TEC, and apply a thin layer of thermal grease evenly on the surfaces of both sides. The surface of the heat sinks in contact with TEC should be flat, clean and evenly coated with thermal grease. Both sides of TEC should be in full contact with the surface of heat sinks. When tightening with screws, use the force and pressure evenly. 

Please note:  the installation pressure of TEC is recommended to be between 150PSI and 300PSI. Lower pressure will cause poor contact between TEC and heat sink while larger pressure will damage TEC.

Please contact P&N Technology for further support.

# peltier assembly # peliter cooler # TEC assemble